Birre d’Italia 2019, Sannio at the top

Here is what happened to the Samnite breweries in the latest edition of Birre d’Italia Slow Food's. Good shot, in general, for Campania: 13 daily beers (to drink every day), 13 great beers (excellent), 3 slow beers (which embody Slow Food values). As for the award-winning beers of Sannio they rise to 4.
Birrificio Borrillo achieved an excellent result: in addition to the bottle (for the entire high quality production), 2 other beers were awarded: Fortore (American Stout - daily beer) and Rescignana (Belgian Strong Ale - great beer). The other Sannio beers awarded with daily beer are Samnia (Blanche) from Birrificio del Sannio and, as in the previous edition, Kölsch from Saint John’s.