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Toccherai con mano le materie prime che utilizziamo, percorrerai l’intero ciclo di produzione e assaggerai il frutto del nostro lavoro respirando a pieno i luoghi, le idee e la visione che hanno ispirato la nascita del Birrificio del Sannio, attraverso una visita alla Sala Cottura e alla Cantina con spiegazione dei processi produttivi delle birre a cui segue degustazione guidata abbinata a uno snack del territorio.

PietrelcinaFrasso TelesinoLago di teleseZoo delle MaitineArco di Traiano

Pietrelcina is famous for being linked to the life and sanctification of Padre Pio. The village, despite its important place in religious tourism, preserves its atmospheres intact. Visiting the places of Padre Pio, you can take a leap in time, in the customs and way of life of the late 19th and early 20th century in these areas.

In the wonderful countryside of Sannio, a land rich in history and traditions, the Birrificio del Sannio produces its craft beers, made for modern beer connoisseurs, selecting quality raw materials and using the water from springs that flows directly into the valleys of Mount Taburno.

In the valley of the river Calore, not far from the Telese thermal baths, there is the Telese lake. It is a pond with a beautiful landscape. The Grassano Park in San Salvatore Telesino is a green area washed by the Grassano river, perfect for picnics, walks and canoe explorations.

The Maitine Zoo is a bio park located in Pesco Sannita, in the province of Benevento. it hosts over 300 animals in danger of extinction; none of them were taken from nature, but they come from exchanges with other zoos and recovery centers with a view to safeguarding the species and genetic variation of the populations in captivity.

The Arch of Trajan, built to celebrate the opening of the Via Traiana, which shortened the path from Benevento to Brindisi, is perfectly intact. The majestic arch still retains the sculptural decorations and is the best preserved Roman arch in Italy.

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